Although it's not clear in the story whether an associates degree is a precondition for taking the exam, in your opinion, should a degree be…
There are multiple reasons in which I enlisted myself into the United States Army. Some of the reasons are to improve who I am as a person mentally and physically, move away from the place that I grew up in, and last but not least be able to one day look back on my life and say that I did something. So in this essay I will get into further details on to why the three main points as in to which I choose for this essay.…
When the average person thinks of being a firefighter, they usually imagine cute Dalmatian dogs, loud sirens, heavy clothes, huge water hoses, poles to slide down, and giant ladders. Firefighting is a more complex job than people think because it has many characteristics that we do not think of. Aspects such as the various types of technology used, the different tactics you see on a day to day basis, the physical abilities one must be capable of, and the types of equipment used. It takes both physical and mental strength to get through a day of saving lives and fighting fires. This paper discusses the topics that examine why there is more to being a fireman than just loud sirens and huge…
Firefighter safety dealing with photovoltaic has been on the rise due to the rise of green construction. There have been many safety concerns for dealing with firefighting operations. The tactical objectives must change when in countering photovoltaic materials along with the dead load and how they effect the structural intregrety of the building.…
Also, that is why the training and guidelines/procedures are so strict. Firefighter training and academy mimics how the military trains our soldiers. How tough and strict they are about every little detail and especially safety. The training physically and mentally is one of the most challenging things you will have to endure. From the physical work out every day to the mental studies you have to do and the practices you have to learn to keep with the times. Especially, on your probationary period, this is a big factor, you have to be the one doing anything and everything perfectly. However, once you become a firefighter and off probationary, you still don’t stop evolving. Although, there is nothing more rewarding, from the great pay, benefits and retirement plan. Also, knowing that you can help the community and civilians around you, knowing that you can protect them and help them if needed. Firefighting g is a full-time job even when you’re off the clock. You are always being looked at and you always might need to step in and help someone. This is the main reason why this is a challenging job, it never…
My RCS Capstone Experience challenged me by forcing me to speak infront of a large group of people, who have had more years of experience than I have. Also a physical challenge for I had to develope my upper body strength for the training I had to endure. Both of these things pushed me out of my confort zone, but in the long run I know they will be valuable skills for the future. I have been a volunteer at Jacobs Creek Fire Department for three years, but even with these years there is still always room for improvement. This topic is important to me because the people in my station are like family to me. I know even on my worst of days that they will always have your back. In addition being in the fire department brought me and my dad closer,…
“What consumes our life, controls our life.” We all dream about being a pilot, doctor, firefighter etc. during our childhood. Even I dream about many occupations, but ended up deciding to be a dentist.…
In order to develop a career in the EMS field, you must have a passionate heart for people and caring for them. Becoming a First Responder, you must agree to the fact that your life is second. Tending, caring and providing safety precautions for patients always come first. I can make a difference in patient health care by many different methods. The most important is showing and teaching them mental and emotional coping skills to deal with stressful situations. As well as communicating with other members of healthcare to provide positive and safety outcomes. Building a trust relationship not just with the patients, but family members as well and pointing out that their health comes first, and I will stop at nothing to ensure that promise. As…
Having been involved in the scouting program for well over a decade and with most of which being during the most formative times of my life, Scouting has certainly contributed to my desire to become a Marine Corps Officer. From the onset of the scouting program I have been instilled with many values, starting every scout function with the scout law, “A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.” While there are many valuable principles thought by both the scouts and the Marine Corps the (65)three main values that both organizations stress of honor, courage, and commitment are among the ones I hold most high. The familiar sense of brotherhood within the Marine Corps is also something that I feel a very close and strong connection with is brotherhood is and was a fundamental part of my close-nit high school community. As an Eagle Scout I was taught to lead by example and as a marine I would strive to do the same, leading from the front and always living up to the standards of honor, courage, and commitment set forth by the Navy and Marine Corps long time-honored history.(63)(128)…
There was always a desire in me to opt for a profession in which I could contribute to the society and help the people in need. What better way to do this than to be a paramedic who tirelessly works to aid people in distress. On joining this profession, one must learn to apply theoretical knowledge that to clinical and field situations. One must also learn many procedures and constantly update those skills. No day is a routine day. Every day, the shifts are different, the locations changed and clinical scenarios unique. The work pertains to attending calls such as trauma, cardiac and respiratory emergencies, substance overdose and many other situations and every call teaches some lesson. Apart from providing clinical help, paramedics have to act as efficient organisers and counsellors. Paramedics are often relied upon to control and direct emergency situations, this responsibility and challenging tasks is what draws me to become a practicing paramedic.…
During my High School years I kept seeing booths to recruit people into the National Guard. For some reason my body was telling me to join, but at the same time I had to think about what this would mean. I have always liked to hike because I get to be outside. I also enjoy traveling. These are the things that make me feel happy and full of life.…
“The end of law is not to abolish or restrain,but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings capable of law, where there is no law, there is no freedom.” -John Locke. What does it mean to serve? To provide a service for others, fully expecting nothing in return. This is what I have been shown in my life. For some I have known, this means even laying down their lives for something they fully believed was greater than themselves. This is the highest example of servanthood.…
I want to be a NCO to train and lead soldiers. To be the example of what a good leader is so that soldiers don’t have toxic leadership. I want to make the next step in my military career grow as a leader. Lastly for monetary reasons to help support me and my family…
When you are a kid everything looks amazing and you just want make every dream you have comes true. Probably you dream with be a superhero or maybe to be invisible. Well no everybody has the same dreams; other people just have a simple but deeps dreams. When I was a kid I dreamed with be a Veterinarian, have a lot of money to help my mom, and help others to be happy.…
Joining the Army ROTC Program will afford me the opportunity to live for a greater purpose, grow stronger as a leader, and provide the chance to serve my country.…