The earthquake and tsunami in Japan was a disastrous event in mankind. It killed thousands and displaced even more. The reason that I want to become an engineer is so that I can improve the lives of people all around the world by making life safer. My goal is to become educated by going to an institution for higher learning in order to improve the safety of others. By creating better methods of engineering, we as a society can become a safer people.
The massive earthquake that triggered the massive tsunami could not have been prevented, but with technologies that are not yet available, many lives could have been saved. I would like to help better the lives of many by helping engineer technological advancements. By having radars all around the ocean that measure seismic activity, the shore areas could have been evacuated maybe in time to save thousands.
I would like to use my education in order to help the well being of others. Japan is just an example of many disasters that have happened around the world throughout history. While many of these disasters are impossible to stop, we as a society can do things to help. We could make storm shelters that are supplied with a number of goods and even implement better evacuation procedures.