
Why I Want To Continue My Education

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Why I Want To Continue My Education
Throughout my life, learning and education have been integral parts of who I am. They have shaped me into the person I am today and have taught me the importance of experiencing new things, persevering through challenges and obstacles, and thriving toward excellence.
When I was born, I was a Two and a half pound, twenty-nine-week preemie with underdeveloped lungs and a near one hundred percent guarantee of mental disorders. I am blessed to have survived at all. Living was rough for me; I could not walk until I was three and had a brace on my leg until I was five; breathing was an absolute chore. For years I received therapy from trained professionals worked with me in speech therapy, range of motion, and a variety of other things I needed assistance with. At this point, I had progressed so that I could attend school and I began to take comfort in numbers and books, even if it was difficult to read and write at first. I loved the rush I felt from my accomplishments. From that point on, I knew that my education would be the most important thing to me and has shown me that no matter the circumstances if you educate yourself, you can find the strength to overcome adversities.
In the beginning of my Propel Mckeesport experience, all I
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What I desire the most for my future is that I will be able to make a difference, leaving my mark on the world in some way before I pass on. I want my legacy to be that I was a productive and Prosperous member of society whose words had a certain perspicacity and whose actions carried significance, always willing to reach out a helping hand to those in need. I would be most able to achieve this, provided I have the proper education. The importance of education will never fade in my eyes and I intend for it to be a staple for my many remaining years on this

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