While reading Haygood's article one can note it is difficult to understand because of his undeveloped thesis. However, based on the title, "Kentucky town of Manchester illustrates [a] national obesity crisis", informs individuals on what the article might be about (1). In Haygood's article, he talks about the Robinson family and how their lives are affected by the …show more content…
First, Haygood states, "there is no YMCA or YWCA here" and "no department of parks or recreation", which is preventing individuals from an active lifestyle (1). In Haygood's article, he interviews Scott, who informs, "there is a basketball court outside my house" (3). It is unknown why Haygood includes this information that goes against his point. Instead, individuals will wonder why the town of Manchester needs a new basketball court when the one they have is not being used. It is understood that if citizens were worried about their individual health and image, more would use the basketball court for exercise. However, he stresses having a basketball court "is not for every child" (3). Haygood then interviews Pam, who mentions, " I would really like a bowling alley", hoping that if the town were to build a bowling alley it would encourage residents to be more active