The ship crew was stuck again, and did not know what to do, but the predestination of the god came again, and saved them. As the story goes a young man who was in the ship thought one day that he is affected by a disease which may kill him slowly, so he decided to throw himself to the ocean so that he can dye quickly, when he came to throw himself the well of the god interfere again, and safe him through making him trap in the sheep sail, and the ship crew then came to save him. After saving him he lived for years, and was a member in the church, and commonwealth. After the strong winds, and ocean waves that hit the sheep crew. The crew finally reached to a land, a place called “Cape Code”. They took their breathes there, and went back to continue their journey. They faced a gain a bad weather, and strong winds, and by the god good providence they were in safe, and reached to “Cape Harbor”. In this place they were safe, but they were far from home, so they were not much comfortable. Also the weather was extremely cold, and they met a people which are not very nice they are called “barbarians”, but they were likely since they waited, and reached to the
The ship crew was stuck again, and did not know what to do, but the predestination of the god came again, and saved them. As the story goes a young man who was in the ship thought one day that he is affected by a disease which may kill him slowly, so he decided to throw himself to the ocean so that he can dye quickly, when he came to throw himself the well of the god interfere again, and safe him through making him trap in the sheep sail, and the ship crew then came to save him. After saving him he lived for years, and was a member in the church, and commonwealth. After the strong winds, and ocean waves that hit the sheep crew. The crew finally reached to a land, a place called “Cape Code”. They took their breathes there, and went back to continue their journey. They faced a gain a bad weather, and strong winds, and by the god good providence they were in safe, and reached to “Cape Harbor”. In this place they were safe, but they were far from home, so they were not much comfortable. Also the weather was extremely cold, and they met a people which are not very nice they are called “barbarians”, but they were likely since they waited, and reached to the