William Faulkner is a great American Southern writer of modern times. He has won many awards including the Nobel Prize for literature. Although Faulkner stories are different, all of them took place in the South. In “A Rose for Emily” there are three things to show this story takes place in a small Southern town: elements of setting, social structure, and the characters’ name and title.
The first thing that shows the story takes place in the South is elements of setting. Cotton is a big crop in the South. [The] “cotton gins had encroached . . . [the] neighborhood” (307). Also in the South is “big, squarish frame [houses] …”with cupolas and spires and scrolled balconies (307)”. In the South upper-class people live in big plantation homes. The men also wore their “brushed Confederate uniforms (315)”. The Confederate war takes place in the South. The men often wear their uniform to weddings and funerals. There are many different settings that show this story takes place in the South.
The second thing that shows the story takes place in the South is the social structures. There are many references to “Miss Emily” in the story. Calling older people by their first name is disrespectful, so out of respect, Southerners refer to them as Miss or Mr. In the South “no Negro woman should appear on the streets without an apron (307)”. Blacks are in a lower social class. They are like Miss Emily’s servant Tobe. The women gossip about Miss Emily and her family.”Poor Emily her kinsfolk should come to [see about] her (311)”. Clearly, Southerners love to gossip. In the South, there are many types of social structures.
The last thing that shows the story takes place in the South are the characters’ names and their titles. Kinfolks are a southern term for relatives. [Emily has] “some kin in Alabama” (311). Southerners also have a way of giving people titles. When a person has a high political office, they are given