
William Mackenzie King

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William Mackenzie King
I. Introduction
• Mackenzie King’s extraordinary achievements are what make him one of the greatest Prime Ministers Canada has ever known.
• Canada’s most intelligent Prime Minister
• Old Age Pension for the elderly
• Unemployment Insurance Act for those without work
• Family Allowance to assist families
• King made sure to refrain from forcing men to fight in WWII
• Thesis: Mackenzie King was widely respected by his generation for his intelligence, and altruistic personality, but above all, for his achievements.

II. Background and Childhood
• Born on December 17, 1874 Kitchener ON
• Named William Lyon Mackenzie King after his grandfather
• Son of an unsuccessful lawyer and ambitious mother but his family was far from indigent
• His complex character was one of great intelligence, intuition, and ambition
• His Private Occupation was a Civil servant
• King was a member of the liberals
• He was prime minister from 1921 – 1930
• Was re-elected in 1935-1948

III. Education
T.S - Mackenzie King was the most intelligent Prime Minister Canada has ever had.
• Studied at University of Toronto, Chicago, Harvard and the London School of Economics
• Education also included social work in some of the worst slums in North America
• Remains the most well-educated of Canadian Prime Ministers today IV. Accomplishments
T.S – Mackenzie King was adamant that his accomplishments would help Canada in both the short and long run.

a. Old age pensions
• Survivor and disability pensions were created for war veterans and their families
• There was still a large need for old age pensions
• In the 1920s, the issue of government assistance for the elderly was back on the political agenda
• Mackenzie King introduced legislation that became the Old Age Pensions Act in 1927.
• In 1927, Canada’s first Old Age Pensions Act was passed: o The maximum pension was $20 per month

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