If the jurisdiction follows the rule that "issue" means per stirpes then:
Samantha would be entitled to 1/3 of the $200,000 inheritance equaling $66,666.66.
The living decendents of Steve being Don, Donna, Doug, and Derek would split their father's 1/3 of the
$200,000 inheritance equaling $16,666.66 to each.
The living decendents of Tina being Alicia and Allison would split their mother's 1/3 of the $200,000 inheritance equaling $33,333.33 to each.
If the jurisdiction follows the rule that "issue" means per representation then:
Samantha would get 1/3 of the $200,000 inheritance equaling $66,666.66.
The remaining living decendents of John being Don, Donna, Doug, Derek, Alicia, Allison would each get
1/6 of 2/3 of the $200,000 inheritance equaling $22,222.22 for each person.