TCO 3: Given a networked personal computer demonstrate the ability to gain access to the operating system, hardware and software as well as all peripherals.
Preparation and Helpful Information * To prepare you for the lab assignment, read the chapter “Office Fundamentals and File Management.” * Make sure you check each item before continuing. It is easy to skip a step when you hurry. * If you are not familiar with Windows Explorer, allow yourself extra time for the exercises. * Read this assignment sheet first before you complete any assignments. Many times there will be additional instructions not included in your book. * Allow approximately 2 hours to read and work through this module. * DROP your assignment in the Week 1 Windows Lab Dropbox.
If you are doing your lab assignments during class meetings and you are not saving them on removable storage media, such as a floppy disk or “thumb drive,” then you should be printing out your assignments so that you have a record of the work you have done. TASK 1: Read the chapter “Office Fundamentals and File Managemen.t” TASK 2: Go to the COMP-100 eCollege course shell and click on the item WINDOWS MATERIALS.zip under the Doc Sharing tab. Save the zip file to either the workstation drive or removable storage media. TASK 3: On your removable storage device or workstation hard drive, create the following folder: COMP 100. TASK 4: In the COMP 100 folder, create a new folder called WINDOWS LAB. TASK 5: Locate the following files: APPLE, BROCCOLI, CARROTS, GRAPE, PEAR, and PEAS. Place them in the WINDOWS LAB folder. TASK 6: Open Windows Explorer and complete the following: In the WINDOWS LAB folder, create the following two subfolders: VEGGIES, FRUITS. TASK 7: Snapshot 1 –