On the other hand, people are a lot more cautious during the winter season. Drivers also increase the distance between each other, to increase reaction time and prevent rear-ending one another. The hazardous conditions are beneficial because drivers will only go out to collect supplies they need. One more good quality about winter is salt for your driveway is super cheap to purchase. Road salt also helps reduce accidents by melting the ice, and causing friction between …show more content…
During the summer teen drivers are on the road more frequently, and motorcyclists and bicyclists are out and about more often as well. Teen drivers are more dangerous due to distractions such as cell phone usage. In summer drivers tend to be less cautious on the road due to clear skies and sunshine. Vacation drivers lead to road congestion, which can be unsafe when you’re sitting in a hot car for longer periods of time without water. Drivers tend to be a little reckless by going 9-10 miles over the speed limit on when it’s nicer out. The Fourth of July is the most life-threatening day out of the whole year for drunk driving. Approximately 150 people die on the Fourth of July each year due to drunk