Setting up a new government system for Anation is a difficult and slow task. Anotion should be a democratic nation. Since democracy is a nation is which every citizen has an equal say Anation should feel like this governmental system is what works best for them. Federalism would be utilized in this nation. By following the principles of common federalism power would be distributed at regional, national and supranational levels. By setting up a democratic government Anation can make choices that the citizens have a say in. The fact of the matter is that you cannot make everyone happy with any decision that is made. It is just not possible. So by have a democracy and electing officials and voting it gives the fairness or at least the illusion of fairness. I think that for Anation which is a country with several different religious factions this is a system that would work the best.
Parties in this government should be set up fairly. A fair way to do this is to have several parties. Each party can be a representation of a certain religion in the area and also a party that has no religion. It is important that everyone be represented