First Witch,
“All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis!”
Second Witch,
“All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor!”
Third Witch,
“All hail, Macbeth! That shalt be King hereafter.” (1.3.50-51)
The witches saw Macbeths desire to become king, so they told him prohpecies to raise his interest in becomeing king, until it was the only thing he could think about, and the only thing he wanted to strive toward. The witches knew, from his facial expressions, that he would do anything to become king. The witches evil continues, when they decide to use the same strategy on Macbeths friend, Banquo, by telling him that his son, and grandchildren thereafter will become Kings of Scotland.
“Thou shalt get Kings, though thou be none.” (1.3.68) This affects Banquo just as it did Macbeth. Now Banquo and Macbeth both have it in their mind that they will become king, so their evil will take a hold of them. They will try anything to become kings now. In Act Two, Macbeth had planned to kill Duncan, the King, but he was getting second thoughts. Macbeth and his wife were in the Kings castle, waiting for the right time to go into the Kings room to kill him, when Macbeth started getting second thoughts about it. He started to think that what he was about to do wasn’t right, and he should stop before he did it. Before he could stop himself, the witches showed Macbeth a vision, of a bloody dagger pointed towards King Duncans door, which re-awakened his evil so that he would continue with his plan. By the time Act Three came around, Macbeth had become King of Scotland with evil more than ever. The witches had given him his prophecies, now they just had to torment him. They sent Banquos bloody ghost to see Macbeth at his Coronation Banquet, and cause Macbeth to breakdown infront of the crowd, telling the Thanes what he had done. With the witches still aspiring to ruin Macbeth, they conspire a plan with their lead witch, Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft to show Macbeth some powerful apparitions that will lead him into more evil actions. The apparitions they have shown Macbeth, have convinced him that he is secure in his throne as King. They also convinced him that he could not be killed by any “Man born of woman” At the end of the apparitions that convinced Macbeth that he was secure in his throne, and made him confident, they show him one that will crush everything for him. The witches showed him an apparition of Banquo pointing at a line of kings, all which seemed to be his decendents. Basically, this told Macbeth that Banquos children, and their childrens children will be king, but not his children. In act five, all of the prophecies become true, even though they seemed unrealistic. Birnam Wood marches towards Dunsinane (actually soldiers holding tree branches,) Macbeths enemy was not “of woman born” because he was delivered prematurely by a C-Section (So he is able to kill Macbeth) and Banquos kids do infact become king. This just goes to show that the witches are evil. They wordered things cleverly, so that Macbeth would believe he was safe, then they let it all crash around him.