
Women In Dine Bahane

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In order to preserve their history, traditions, and culture, Native Americans passed their myths by word of mouth (the oral tradition). Native Americans who were particularly good storytellers emphasized that the myths being orated should be shared with future generations. Some common themes in Native American myths would have explanations on how the world was made, where people came from, and the physical and social development of those people. The social evolution of the Navajo people is an important subject in the Navajo creation story, Diné bahane'.
The first beings, according to the Diné bahane', were essentially illustrated as insects; these beings were called the Air Spirit people. The Air Spirit people have not yet fully established themselves as an organized and central
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As a result, First Woman states that women could get along without men, and so they separate. The separation of men and women, which is divided by the river, clearly illustrates one infamous saying that ALL women can attest to: “Men. You can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them.” The same saying can apply to men as well; whether you like it or not, one gender just cannot live without the other. The women in Diné bahane' did not fare well and were on the verge of starvation without the men to hunt the food for them. On the other hand, the men were unable to have children unless the women were present. The absence of one gender could lead to another gender’s downfall, as shown as a result of the argument between First Man and First Woman. However, they reconciled their differences by establishing the gender roles within their society: men hunt, women cook. Both responsibilities were significant in order for both genders to get along and survive; thus, the Navajo people are assured of their societal growth as long as social order is

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