Women in India and China
- women participate fully in areas such as education, sports, politics, media, art and culture.
- However, women still need to face atrocities such as rape, acid throwing, etc.
- fourth most dangerous country for women (and most dangerous one among G20 countries)
- Female literacy rate still lower than male one
- Urban India: girls and boys have almost same education, in rural India girls are still less-educated than boys.
- mostly used by men to "put a woman in her place" or as form of revenge
- Quickest way to destroy a woman's life
- Numbers of acid attacks are rising, because acid is within easy reach
- 47% in urban areas and 56% in rural ones of India's women between the age of 20 and 24 were married before the legal age of 18.
- 1/3 of all child marriages are in India
- Parents use it as a way to make the child's future better
- A girl child has almost no chance to go to school after getting married
- India's most common crime against women
- Marital rape is not illegal
- A new case is reported every 20 min.
- About 7,200 children are raped each year (according to BBC)
- Ultrasound machines reveal the sex of the baby and it allows pregnant women to decide whether they want to abort the female foetus or try for a male baby (ILLEGAL)
- This causes sex-imbalance (India's missing about 3million girls)
- Doctors will still reveal the sex of a child for about 500 rupees (€6)
- A lot of women fight for their rights, they absolutely want to be treated equally
- Alcoholism is often associated with violence against women in India, leading to a lot of anti-liquor-campaigns
- 2001 is the Year of Women's Empowerment in India
The Chinese used to bind their daughter's feet by breaking their toes, bending them down and