Women in the Workplace: Work Life Balance and Equal Opportunity to Enhance Women Empowerment
Asih Budiati
Swiss German University, Batch 19
More and more women now perceive employment and career paths are critically important to them and that parenting as an option is currently unattractive since they feel that parenting is incompatible with their career. Working women have the sense if they want to be succeeded; doing dual role both office and family is totally out of the question. On the other hand, if they prefer to multitask between office and family, almost certainly they will end up having “mommy track” labeled by the organization. The current greatest fear will be when working mother discourage from workplace improvement while married working women having maternity crisis.
Discourage from workplace improvement, having “mommy track” label, and maternity crisis are some of the results from a feeling caused by lack of supporting policies thus far surrounding supports or initiatives for women within the workplace. This is where equal opportunity and work life balance policies are needed, specifically for women, in order to ease the burden or pressures during combining work and family life, and to improve a major result of women empowerments in the world.
Key word: work life balance, equal opportunity, women empowerment, working women, maternity.
For over than a decade, people believe that the basic interest of equal opportunity in working environment is to have the same entry paid labour and equal pay. This believe creating women feel compelled to work like men to be succeed, to make them look essential, to be accepted as a core member of the organization, and to get the same acknowledgement as men .
As a result, equal opportunities which have ‘successfully’ made women being the same as men were criticized for silencing women. Women can no longer be able to speak out about their difficulties,