Women in America versus women in many other countries are treated much differently. Some differences between American women and women in other countries are both positive and negative which reflect on marriage, pregnancy, discrimination, and education. In the United States we females are allowed to be independent and while some may still think otherwise, we are mostly looked at as an equal to men. Women in other countries only dream of that independence, which may be why so many families immigrate here, to the United States. My mother raised me to be an “independent woman” and to never rely on a man. She would tell me not to follow in her footsteps and educate myself, take care of myself, and solely rely on myself. She believed that if I would rely on anyone for money, insurance, education, opinions, advice, etc. that it would only put a damper on my being. She wanted me to take full advantage of what our country offers to women, and that is being equal to a man. Paula Gunn Allen said “There are battered children and neglected children, and there are battered wives and women who have been raped by Indian men.” where she is from. We should be grateful that The United States has laws for the power and protection of women like, the Violence Against Women Act for example. We are protected by our government from hellacious crimes many women deal with on a daily basis in other countries. We have the right to be police officers, part of the military, we can be a president, women can do anything a man is capable of. We have the right to do what we want, work where we want, and we don’t need permission from anyone. Our freedom in the United States is far from what young girls, teenagers, and grown women in many different countries are used to. They have to be submissive to men, and they are used to pampering their husbands, where some women in the U.S. are generally treated that way by our husbands, or men in
Cited: By Olivia Ward. “Ten Worst Countries For Women”. http://www.thestar.com/news/world/2008/03/08/ten_worst_countries_for_women.html Foreign Affairs Reporter. Published on March 8, 2008 By Hannah Peaker. “If Women Ran The World”. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/hannah-peaker/if-women-ran-the-world_b_772790.html October 23, 2010. By Soutik Biswas. “How India Treats Its Women”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-20863860 December 29, 2012 By Allen, Paula Gunn “Where I Come From Is Like This” from Viewpoints Eighth Edition by W. Royce Adams, 2013.