
Women's Rights In The 19th Century

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Women's Rights In The 19th Century
There’s always been a separation between male and female rights. There was women discrimination long ago, but women have developed more power throughout the years. Long ago, women were discriminated by them staying home and doing the dishes, and overall house work, while the men go out and earn money by doing physical work. Men have always conquered the physical world, but where do women play in that world? A common thing that is happening in the world today is sexual harassment. Women are helpless when it comes to men abusing them. Most women today are giving major attitude to having more power. The women's rights movement rose during the nineteenth century in Europe and America in response to great inequalities between the legal statuses …show more content…
In the past they were viewed as property. If they had wealth, their role is to manage their household, if not they had to be a servant or maid. In 1878, the Federal Women's Suffrage Amendment was passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate. If it wasn’t for that women would still be treated as property. Women couldn’t save themselves from getting raped, and having that is going to cause a baby. In the 1700s, they weren’t able to file for a lawsuit, causing them to have an abusive husband. Mother’s would usually have to stay home and do chores such as dishes, folding clothes, sweeping, cooking, and taking the care of the children. Young girls would train to be the perfect housewife at the age of 12. Mothers would pass down all their chores down to their daughter for training. In 1777, all states passed a law taking away women’s rights to vote. This decision to our country lead one of the biggest …show more content…
They went through numerous campaigns and gaining the support of all women in America to support them.
In 1981, a revolutionary accomplishment has just happened, as Sandra Day O’Connor is the first women to be appointed to the Supreme Court. She was an elected official and judge in Arizona serving as the first female Majority Leader of a state Senate as the Republican leader in the Arizona Senate. She declares that abortion is personally repugnant to her, and she wanted it banned from Arizona.
In 2009, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act signed into law. The federal law expands workers the right to sue for pay discrimination and relaxes the statute of limitations such as suits. Ledbetter had sued the, Goodbye Tire and Rubber Company when she neared retirement and noticed that she was getting paid much less than her male colleagues. The Supreme Court threw her case out because she did not filed for it 180 days after. The new law changes the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which said discrimination complaints must be brought 180 days of the discriminatory

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