facts be submitted to a candid world. He has never permitted her to exercise her inalienable right to the elective franchise. He has compelled her to submit to laws, in the formation of which she had no voice…. Having deprived her of this first right of a citizen, the elective franchise, thereby leaving her without representation in the halls of legislation, he has oppressed her on all sides…."The Declaration of Sediments fixed the parts in the Declaration of Independence that needed to be fixed to create all men and women equal. The Declaration of Sediments was created to be with the the current belief of society. Women could be the smartest people in US in the mid 1800s but as long as they are women, they have to be dependent on their husbands to do anything.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson explained this in "Ought Women to Learn the Alphabet?" Men could be the most stupid people in the US but as long as they are men, they can get an education, a job, money, decide what the future is for the US. Women are underestimated at what their possibilities are and men are given too much power. Men and Women could achieve the same goals. According to an excerpt from "Ought Women to Learn the Alphabet?” by Thomas Wentworth Higginson, "John is a fool; Jane is a genius: nevertheless, John, being a man, shall learn, lead, make laws, make money; Jane, being a woman, shall be ignorant, dependent, disfranchised, underpaid?" "Ought Women to learn the Alphabet?" explains that some women are smart but do not get the chance to an education, job, or payment. Some men are stupid and get an education, job, and payment. Doesn't matter who it is, women have less abilities and depend on their husband for everything. Women need more responsibilities and need to be equal to man's
power. Women and men are equal and get a basic education, however, men choose their profession and women do not. From sixteen to eighteen years of age, men and women get the same education until when it comes time to choose what profession man and women get, men get to choose and women have their profession chosen for them. According to an excerpt from Ernestine L. Rose's Speech at the Annual Women's Rights Convention, "Just at the period when man's real education begins, woman's ceases. Until the age of sixteen or eighteen, they may go hand in hand: after that their paths greatly diverge. The young man, on leaving the school confined by four walls, enters the unlimited school, bound only by heaven and by earth; in it he can choose from among the professions, the arts, the sciences, what best suits his tastes, his powers, and his means….How different with woman! When the girl graduates from the school or college, equally learned, as we have supposed, with her brother, is she admitted into this greater school, to choose for herself of life's uses, to make for herself a future?" An excerpt from "Ernestine L. Rose’s Speech at the Ninth Annual Women’s Rights Convention" explains that when women and men finish school where both of them get the same education, men get to continue and choose what they do next and women are choose for themselves not based on talent or dis ire for that job. This seems unfair that women are not being let the choice of continuing their path of education and now work for whoever choice their path for life. Some people thought the women's arguments were not revolutionary or consistent with the current American beliefs because the women were taking control. Some people thought that the women's purpose was to teach the children and to cook and clean, not to deal with political matters or with having a job. Some people thought that women had enough power as it was and that women should not be trying to oppose the men's power when some men think women do not stand a chance. The women's movement changed the direction America was going with their freedoms. Women stood up and gave jobs to women in the future. Women now have responsibilities and they can live on their own instead of in the past and if the women's revolution never happened, women today would still depend on their husband to live. The women's revolution was revolutionary and changed the way Americans thought of women whether it was their job or intellect for problems and this revolution proved women talk car of themselves and do not need a husband to all the work for them. Women changed the future and modern era with education, jobs, distribution of property, and giving women rights. These were all started by the women's revolution in the 1800s.