Despite the challenges August faced, he is a humorous, kind and brave fifth grader. For example,while chatting with his mom he joked about his looks. He compared his grotesque looks to Summer’s angelic looks stating,” We’re kind of like Beauty and the Beast.” He said this because he knew he looked hideous while his friend Summer looked beautiful. At school, August used humor to make friends and deal with bullies. In class, he noticed another student, Maya
Despite the challenges August faced, he is a humorous, kind and brave fifth grader. For example,while chatting with his mom he joked about his looks. He compared his grotesque looks to Summer’s angelic looks stating,” We’re kind of like Beauty and the Beast.” He said this because he knew he looked hideous while his friend Summer looked beautiful. At school, August used humor to make friends and deal with bullies. In class, he noticed another student, Maya