Counselor, teachers, and parents need to have talks with the children and give them advice and understanding how to stop and avoid bullying. Explain walking away from a bully and standing up to them as well. Maintaining a strong sense of self and good overall self-esteem and building your self esteem are other ways to prevent children from becoming a…
If you see any bullying, stop it right away, even if your child is the one doing the bullying. Encourage your child to help others who need it. Don't bully your children or bully others in front of them, kids who are bullied at home react by bullying other kids. If your children see you hit, ridicule, or gossip about someone else, they are also more likely to do so themselves. Support bully prevention programs in your child's school.…
But everybodys different and nobodies the same. Bullying needs to stop so when you see bullying you have to change that and you need to stand up for the people or kids that get bullied. Bullying is mean and normally people think that their cool if they do it. Sometimes I don’t get bullying because everybody's different and we all have different actions that people can make fun of but that doesn't mean that you laugh with the people that are laughing at that person so thats why you have to do something about that. So if you see somebody gets bullied and you see it you have to stop…
Bullying is an ongoing problem that we face in todays society. It can be defined as one being intimidated, or victimized when an individual is exposed numerously over a extended period of time, to negative actions from seemingly more powerful individuals. The scholarly article The long-term effects of being bullied or a bully in adolescence on externalizing and internalizing mental health problems in adulthood, explains the longterm effects bullying can have on an individual. Bullying is common in the adolescent years whether you are the victim or the aggressor. According to this article, up to 35% of adolescents globally report to being bullied during their lifetime, and 32% report to bullying others. There is…
Bullying is seen all over the world and in all sections of society (work,school and home). It might start at an age as early as preschool and might intensify in the transitional adolescent years. There can be various reasons behind this kind of behavior. Often the victim is shy and weak as compared to a bully.…
Some of them are: telling a trusted person, make a joke and laugh at yourself, walk away, surround yourself with supportive friends, or avoid places where you was bullied. Remember if you stick to all of these alternatives you resist the possibility of someone bullying you. Adults should help children understand about bullying by keeping the lines of communication open and encourages children that even though someone is different or act differently they deserve the right to be treated with kindness and respect. It is the responsibility of the family, school, and the community to develop a bullying prevention training to provide individuals with research-based tools and resources to ongoing effective bullying programs for our…
When you’re bullied all these emotions over whelms your body. In the process of getting picked on you think to yourself what you should do and why is this happening. If you speak up and say harsh words or get even with the bully, what makes you any better? On the other hand you feel like if you walk away things will keep going as it is, so you should do something. No matter what you think is best to do at the time the only right answer is to tell them how you feel about how they treat you. Explain to the person how you feel and you do not appreciate the way they are treating you. Then go to your parents or a teacher you trust and have them help you.…
Bullying has become an epidemic, and it needs to come to an end. If people will stand up for each other and protect each other, I believe bullying would cease to be effective. It preys on those who do not have the confidence to defend themselves. Often times, the bully hurts others as a way of protecting himself. He believes that if he attacks others, then they will not know he himself is hurting, or has been hurt in the past. It becomes a coping mechanism for him. The biggest thing to keep in mind is that bullying should not be responded to with more violence. They need to be shown love, but firm love. A love that says, “I love you enough to not let you continue down this path. Let me show you another way.” Then you are not only l protecting those that the bully hurts, but also you are protecting the bully himself in the long run.…
In today's society it is hard for schools and adults to properly identify and deal with bullying. It is hard to ignore the fact that most bullying goes unnoticed or unreported in schools, a place where adults are constantly present. With the exposure bullying has gotten in recent years people would think that schools have sophisticated methods of dealing with bullying, however this is not the case in most schools. Throughout many schools it can be seen that not enough is done to resolve the bullying and harassment happening on a day to day bases. Many schools work very hard in hopes that one day bullying will end, but it is hard for schools to know what to classify as bullying or harassment, since most of it can start outside of school grounds…
Rosa was an inspiration to many people and continues to inspire individuals today. Many people find her inspirational because of the challenges that she overcame. Throughout most of her life she was treated unfairly because of the color of her skin. For example, African Americans had to use separate bathrooms and drinking fountains than white people because they were seen as disgusting individuals and were not worthy of using the same restrooms and services as whites. Schools and many other facilities were also segregated. Children of color did not receive as good of an education as most white children did. The textbooks that were used and the teachers that taught at African American schools were not up to par with the schools that white children attended. White individuals were superior to those of color. Not only was Rosa an African American, but she was a woman. Back then African American women were at the bottom of the totem pole when it came to the amount of respect they received from white individuals. Black men were even respected more than black women. Rosa did not let the way she was treated stop her from expressing her beliefs and values to others. She continued to be a role model for other people of color to stand up for themselves and to end discrimination and segregation among whites and African Americans. Her public stance following the event of not giving her seat…
Right now, 160,000 kids are either being bullied at school or are at home because they can’t face going to school! This is a frightening statistic. No child should be scared to go to school. The sad thing is that every 1 in 7 students in each grade are either a bully or has been a victim of bullying. No one has the right to think they anyone is lesser than them. No one has the right to put anyone down. The only way we can deal with bullies is to stand up to them, show them that the way they are treating others is unacceptable, and needs to be changed. Bullies expect that people treat them with respect, but they do not show that to anyone! Bullying is taking over schools, and it needs to be controlled.…
There is bullying everywhere in our everyday lives: at school, outside of school, or even at home.…
Show your child that bullies are not nice people and that they have no friends if they where nice they wouldnt do what they are doing.Or maybe the bully is having their own problems at home,so maybe they are looking for a firend but dont know how to go about getting one the right way.Explain that they shouldnt be afraid of bullies as this is what makes them it all the more,tell them to say NO to the bully and to walk away,tell a teacher or grown up and dont be afraid,the bully will not do it again. If you were a childcare worker,it would be simular to that of a parent talking through any worries they may have,offer support to the parents if its needed.…
First, I would like to explain the aspects and outcomes of bullying and being bullied. A lot people think being bullied is having someone threaten to take your lunch money or beating you up after school, that isn’t always the case. In some situations, bullying can go to the extreme. Bullying can take a person to the point of no return and can lead some of the calmest people into dangerous acts like self-harm and…
We are all human beings who need to live together on the same earth, but different environments have different characteristics that can help us achieve goals. Some of us like to stay in the safe zone and enjoy the tranquil moments; some of us like to conquer the Neverland of our imagination and enjoy exciting moments; some of us with creative spirits enjoy taking extraordinary journeys. No matter which type of life we choose or which type characteristics we have, challenge always acts as a naughty kid, who hides in the corner and makes us either scream and run away or smile and embrace him as a friend. Lee Perry said, “You can do what you think you can do, so think you can do it, and do it.”…