Emotional Intelligence is one of the topics that gain popularity in business discussion nowadays. To understand what Emotional Intelligence is and how it may help to build a better personality and better worker, this paper is to discuss about to two main competencies of Emotional Intelligence. The first one is the Personal Competencies and the other is Social Competencies. By understanding these competencies, employees gain the knowledge of how to create a better workplace not just for those individuals, but for others around them, as well.
“Emotional Intelligence refers to the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and our relationships” (Daniel Goleman, 1998). As stated by Dr. Goleman, Emitional Intelligence basically is how we, as human being, are able to control and manage our own feelings, emotions and from there, we can motivate ourselves and others around us. It is the way for us to recognize, learn and improve our way of life mentally and intelligently.
Personal Competencies include two major factors, they are Self-Awareness and Self-Management.
Self-Awareness is the ability to read our own emotions and recognize their impact as we sometimes refer to it as “gut feelings” to make decisions. Self-Awareness also involves the accurate self-assessment – knowing our own strengths and weaknesses. We also need to have self-confidence, a measure of ourselves of what we are worth and our capabilities. One of the elements of the emotional intelligence self-awareness is the self-control as Lisa Nicole describes in her book (Divine Inspirations) and the article “Control that Temper!” suggests that we need to know our limitations and learn how to self-control, through recognizing when we are about to lose our control and learn how to control our temper, we will slowly be a happier and ‘life well-lived’ person.
References: Dattner, B. (). Succeeding with Emotional Intelligence. Retrieved August 1st, 2009, from http://www.dattnerconsulting.com/presentations/ei.pdf Nicole, L. (2009, July 17, 2009). Control that Temper!. Retrieved August 1st, 2009, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Control-That-Temper!&id=2626596