1. Social Parameters expected in our country by 2020
One major change in American life and society will be the growing realization that radical life extension is possible. A number of new healthcare technologies will have become available by 2020, such as vaccines for cancer and treatments to prevent and repair Alzheimer’s disease, which will have extended healthy life expectancy. Some therapies will directly slow the aging process, and others will be in the pipeline.
The other major change will be a widespread discussion about ways to reform retirement, work, pensions and taxation to take account of the radical extension of life expectancy. Some will press for privatization, reducing entitlements, and raising the retirement age, while many Baby Boomer seniors will defend the status quo.
Automation will continue to decrease the workers in the American manufacturing industries. Increasing machine use will automatically decrease the human labor.
The Reflections of change in Social Parameters in our business
The technological development, marketing, and servicing of ever more sophisticated products and the use of those products - almost certainly will create more jobs. On the whole, the new jobs will also be safer, more stimulating, and better paid than the ones they replace.
The best jobs created in the Innovation Age will be filled by Americans (and workers in other advanced countries). If jobs go unfilled in the U.S., they will quickly migrate elsewhere in our truly global economy.
Because the best new jobs will demand brains rather than brawn, and because physical presence in a particular location at a particular time will become increasingly irrelevant, structural barriers to the employment of women and older Americans