Outline on Reference Search Strategy
Go to www.murdoch.edu.sg website then click current students, follow by log in using student ID and password. Then go to Library then type keyword as below in Findit search box.
Select Advanced Search then enter the journal title at "From this publication:" and then select "Journal" at "Show with this format:" follow by click search.
The keywords that I have using for my reference searches are
Motivation; Organization behavior work motivation; motivation and engagement in workplace; Intrinsic motivation; Motivation at workplace; Motivation at workplace; organization motivation.
Reference List
1. Ann, G., Jerry W, G., & Heather S, M. (2009). Organizational change: Motivation, communication, and leadership effectiveness. 21(4), 75-94.
2. Tesone, D. V., Ricci, P., & Severt, D. (2005). Workplace motivation and mental development. Journal of foodservice business research, 8(4), 21-36.
3. Smithers, G. L., & Walker, D. H. T. (2000). The effect of the workplace on motivation and demotivation of construction professionals. Construction Management and Economics, 18(7), 2000.
4. Martin, A.J. (2009). Motivation and engagement in the workplace: examining a multidimensional framework and instrument from a measurement and evaluation perspective. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 41(4), 223+ 5. Mary D, S., & Joseph G, R. (2007). Understanding reactions to workplace injustice through process theories of motivation: A teaching module and stimulation. Journal of Management Education, 31(6), 777-796. Retrieved from http://0-search.proquest.com.prospero.murdoch.edu.au/docview/195708824 6. Treville, S. D., & Antonakis, J. (2006). Could lean production job design be intrinsically motivating? contextual, configurational, and levels-of-analysis issues. Journal of Operations Management, 24(2), 99-123. Retrieved from
Bibliography: Ann, G., Jerry W, G., & Heather S, M. (2009). Organizational change: Motivation, communication, and leadership effectiveness. 21(4), 75-94. Tesone, D. V., Ricci, P., & Severt, D. (2005). Workplace motivation and mental development. Journal of foodservice business research, 8(4), 21-36. Smithers, G. L., & Walker, D. H. T. (2000). The effect of the workplace on motivation and demotivation of construction professionals. Construction Management and Economics, 18(7), 2000.