The firm that takes the time to synchronize the achievement of these company goals/objectives with the personal goals/objectives of the individual employee has a definite competitive advantage. This task initially seems impossible, but in our experience it is very achievable as well as advantageous. It does require open communications with each employee concerning his/her life/work goals and a subsequent plan for the employee to achieve …show more content…
This path would include lateral moves as well as promotions to provide the “right” experiential mix for the future. Caution must be exercised to assure that the employee does not spend too brief or too long a time in an individual assignment.
This practice allows a company to groom personnel for the future. It promotes succession planning. It requires job rotation. It keeps the individual interested and hopefully challenged. It meets the firm’s objective of accomplishing the firm’s goals/objectives while simultaneously meeting the growth needs of the individual.
We know of people that have established their own career objectives and made many moves from company to company to achieve their goals/objectives. World class companies grow their own by identifying the individual employee’s needs, goals and objectives and actively working toward fulfilling the needs and meeting the individual’s goals/objectives through job/position assignments, education, and …show more content…
Technical Education/Training:
The world class firm utilizes internal as well as external means for technical education and training.
The internal training may take the form of on-the-job training. We are aware of firms that extensively utilize work plans for accomplishing on the job training. Work plans assure that the supervisor and the subordinate are both aware of each other’s expectations. The plan assures that repetition and learning occurs during the teaching/learning process without redundancy.
Internal education/training may be done with internal or external experts conducting on-site or off-site workshops or seminars to meet specific technical knowledge/skill needs. These may be off-the-shelf packages or may be customized to meet a firm’s specific technical need.
Internal education/training today is being done with interactive computer systems and artificial intelligence models. Simulation programs are also being used as technical training/education tools.
Video/audio tapes/discs/internet connection are also a means to technical training and education. Companies build large libraries for employees to use in off duty