World History Research Paper
Non-Violent Effective Revolutions Research Paper Watching videos, seeing pictures, and hearing audio of vicious cold blooded war that 's going on around is getting us no where. The progress of wars and fighting proves that most effective revolutions occur when there is minimal yet any bloodshed or violence takes place. Political, economical, and social aspects of countries configure down to the basis of this reasoning. If cruel violence, innocent death, and undeservedly bloodshed did not effect any then by all means go for it but in all cases that does not apply. Fighting without bloodshed is most effective way to begin and conclude a revolution. Revolutions such as Gandhi’s (India) Egyptian, and the Rose (Georgia) have all worked effectively therefore proving that non-violent revolutions can be successful. Politics in a country are an essential, a must to make it successful proceeding in non-violent resistance would allow the politic branch to prosper. Calm, peaceful talking to one an-others leader creating an agreement, making a compromise is much better than killing innocent people. Participating in non-violent war would allow leaders to communicate without it being hated due to anger of deaths, damage, or money loss. Making politics peaceful and calm would ensure that everyone would have a say in the agreement and that it would be well thought out agreement. Even though the leaders/countries disagree with each other, communicating would be more effective than killing their citizens. If protests and strikes went on instead of war, negotiations could be made to help both parties of the argument at hand.
As stated previously, effective revolutions can be done with peaceful communication among leaders to come to an agreement or decision. In the 1919 the Egyptian non violent revolution took place. In the 1919 the Egyptian non violent revolution took place. This revolution began after the British officials arrested and imprisoned the Egyptian ruler, Sa 'd
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"Rose Revolution in Georgia." Modern World History Online. Facts On File, Inc. (accessed January 9, 2012).
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Terry, Janice J. "Egyptian Revolution, 1919." In Ackermann, Marsha E., Michael Schroeder, Janice J.
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Crisis and Achievement, 1900 to 1950, vol. 5. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2008. Modern World History Online. Facts On File, Inc. (accessed January 9, 2012).