This site gives information about how she survived in the holocaust in 1942. Eva talks about how scary it was for her to survive. For her to stay safe she stayed in an attic for a while, Then went to a cattle train and that’s when Eva jumped off the train and ran away before she had gotten shot by the jews, she walked the woods to stay safe and she ended up at the station, which is where she stayed for a couple of nights to stay safe.…
was needed to work, and often children would be put to use in factories in unsafe…
About an estimated of 119 Jews were murdered in December as part of a program. Some of these Jews were put to work hard in really cold seasons and became weak. Many of these Jews were killed by the guards just so they could had fun. All of these Jews were denied medical treatment and some died of illness. On October of 1942 the last group of these Jews were were sent to Auschwitz concentration camp.…
Freedom is something not a lot of places are fortunate to have, but luckily in America everyone has the right to freedom. What if your freedom was taken away, leaving you helpless? Sadly enough that is how many people feel, and how many people live. Sometimes you have to fight for your freedom no matter what the situation is. Two examples that show this include the texts “The Boys Who Fought” and “Holocaust Survivor Stories” show how many people during World War 2 were deprived of their freedom.…
Not all Jews were killed, some were saved, but most Jews were killed. For example “Signs of unimaginable suffering were everywhere, inmates had been shot, beaten, whipped and, hung, others had been starved or worked to death” Furthermore “As chief of the Jewish office of the RSHA, Adolf Eichmann was responsible of deporting between five and six million Jews.” According to, “ Suzanne Spaak was an active participant in an operation initiated by Pastor Paul Vergara and Marcelle Guillemot that smuggled more than sixty children to safety. She sheltered some of the children in her home until they were all taken to people willing to shelter them. With her comrades’ help, Suzanne Spaak, at great personal risk, provided the children with…
During the holocaust, Jews were brutally mistreated by the S.S. Soldiers at the concentration camps. Dehumanization was one of the many things that was done to the Jews. “Strip! Hurry up! Raus! Hold on only to your shoes and your belt.” “ Their clippers tore out our hair, shaved every hair on our bodies.” Execution is also portrayed in the book Night. Small children(babies) were thrown into the fire pits, because they were too young to do anything. The Jews civil rights were taken away from the them when the German soldiers came to force them out of their homes, and take them to the concentration camps. “ During the passover celebration of 1944, however, German soldiers arrive in Sighet, arrest jewish leaders, confiscate the valuables of Jewish…
The Germans and their collaborators killed as many as 1.5 children. This number consisted of over a million Jewish children and thousands or gypsy, polish children, and German children with disabilities. If the children weren't killed they would most likely be used for forced labor. They would either be worked to death to benefit the camp or do unnecessary jobs like digging ditches. Jewish men, women, and children were rounded up and…
The book Elli: Coming of Age in the Holocaust provides much information on what happened during this time. It is a biography by Livia E. Bitton Jackson. Livia Jackson was thirteen when she was taken to Auschwitz. After liberation, she completed high school in displaced person camps in Germany. In 1951, she traveled to the U.S. on a refugee ship and completed her higher education, later receiving a Ph.D. from N.Y.U. Since, she has taught at several colleges and became Professor of Judaic Studies at Herbert H. Lehman College of The City University of New York. She later married, and made her home in Israel, where she currently teaches at Tel Aviv University. This is her first book.…
During Nazi Germany, the Nazis first priority was taking over the state and controlling and dealing with their political enemies. However during the years 1933-1945, policies against the Jews were introduced. In 1938, German Jewish children were prohibited from attending German schools. Additionally in 1942 all Jewish residents had to wear the Star of David which segregated the Jews from the Germans. The Nazis obsession with creating a biologically pure, Aryan society deliberately targeted Jewish children, and the Laws introduced had a severe impact on the lives of children. The segregation didn’t allow the young children to live their lives, which affected them physiologically growing up. They would grow up to believe that they were different from others and that they were a complete different species, and no longer German.…
The Nazis killed children if they were dangerous or of an unwelcome group of people. The Germans killed children in revenge or if they disliked the group of people they were associated with. Children were forced to live in Ghettos with large amount of…
The number of innocent lives taken from Jews during the Holocaust itself is absolutely astounding, going in at around 6 million lives ended during the space of World War II. As stated in James M. Deem’s “AUSCHWITZ: VOICES FROM THE DEATH CAMP”, “No one knows for certain the exact number killed there. Using various documents that survived the war, reports and even telegrams, to name a few, researchers calculated that at least 1,305,000 people were taken to the camp. ( 15).…
During the World War II, Jews were separated into two groups the healthy and the unhealthy. The unhealthy were immediately sent to an extermination camp where they were killed in gas chambers and had harsh experiments performed on them. The healthy were sent to concentration camps, where they would work until they died of starvation, or they earned their freedom, which did not happen often.…
Jewish Resistance during the Holocaust caused the Jews to use different forms of resistance. A lot of Jewish resistance happened most of the time during the Holocaust. The holocaust took place in 1933 in Poland; it included both armed and unarmed resistance. Jewish resistance is when the Jews went against the Nazis without the Nazis knowing. During the Holocaust there were various acts of Jewish Resistance both armed and unarmed in order to preserve honor and faith.…
Did you know that the Holocaust killed more than 6 million Jews? Of those, 1.1 million were kids. It was a period in history when Jews were religiously discriminated. It was 12 years before the genocide ended. In NIght, Jews were dehumanized both in Sighet and in the concentration camps.…
The Jewish children would have so much fun during school, but then after school the Hitler Youth would wait outside and beat up the Jewish boys. The Jewish school was good for the children to learn and get away from the germans, but they still got beaten up after school. After all the trouble the Jewish children and teachers went through Hitler finally decided to take out the Jewish children all together. The children were already having a horrible time because of the…