Max Brooks did over this oral report focused on the survival needs to endure a mass attack. One interview is in Kyoto, Japan, a blind man, Tomonaga Ijiro, reports what he has heard and touched on his way to find security assisted by his “student” Kondo Tatsumi. “I would halt, listen to and smell the wind, perhaps even press my ear to the ground.” (Brooks 223) Fear is not necessary and should be completely eliminated since it will slow down and cause people to panic creating more destruction. Tomonoga remained calm and moved slowly taking cautious steps toward his unknown destination. With help of the kami1 he did not just gain confidence but also remained calm throughout the situation which is essential in those situations. Without it what might happen; “This guy had everything he needed to survive, everything except the will.” (Brooks 179) How can someone survive through the winter in the wilderness with mild clothing but one of his “roommates” dies because of the harsh cold? Physically stable and fit to endure throughout many situations. The survivors did not prepare themselves sometimes and usually ended up dying. “Battle of the Fittest”; it can be called that but whatever the situation the person was strong enough to survive. “It took me three days to make it all the way down….partially due to my disgraceful physical stamina.” (Brooks 212) No one knew how to fight off the reanimated creatures so most people stayed at their residence and decided to barricade themselves in their houses. It was at that time that the percentage of survival wasn’t high and soon enough zombies would start swarming the houses until they got in. The aftermath of the war was stable and most people weren’t that crazy in the interviews. Some went to Rehabilitation Institutions, others moved on in their life. Nations began to unite and form allies; “Our allies are back on their feet again, but we still have some White Zones to clear…..we’re all in this together….. [We stop by an old oak tree…my companion taps it lightly with his cane] You’re doing a good job.” (Brooks 329) Therefore, when the people started their lives again it formed a different vision of the world and at more peace but still alert and how it will affect the next generation who don’t know what a reanimated creature is or the strength it takes to endure through the event. “I’d been afraid for so long, fighting and killing, and waiting to die….thought it was a dream…remembering that day...the sunrise over the Hero City.” (Brooks 342)
Survival and the aftermath are shown from the interviewees who have seen all this devastation. This is the collection of stories that people were able to survive in this long, harsh, ghastly war. “This is their book, not mine…” (Brooks 3)
1Spirits that inhabit each and every facet of our existence.