(Use 10 vocabularies from lesson 1~13 and highlight it.)
In modern, there are more and more choice let people to choose their eating places. Eating at restaurants, foods stand, or eat at home. These places are the area that people prefer to eat. In my point of view, I prefer to eat at the restaurant and food stand. Why? Above here are my opinions.
Eating at the restaurant, it does not need to regularize the mess that we made it. This is the first advantages dieting outside. The waiter will help you clean it, it is very convenience. Some people’s hate have any cumbrance, or that really mind the time (for instance: workaholic.) and the money (pay on the water bill or the electric bill), eating at outside is also the best choice to them. Another reason that I prefer eating at the restaurant is because there is more variety of food that we can choose. If we are at home now, the meal that we eat will be very similar every day. Instead, if we diet at the food stand or the restaurant, Chinese foods, Japanese foods, central Asia’s foods, and other different foreigner’s foods, it seems like I could eat whole world’s gourmet. Isn’t it great? Last, people’s families have more time to communicate each other. When we are waiting the order, people must have time to do something else, for example: maybe you can chat with each other, or share your living experience. These are the best way to use the time when you are awaiting your meal. But if you are preparing the lunch or the dinner at home, you might do not have time to communicate with your family, just because you have to arrange the meal. However, above these ideas are my reasons that why I prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants.