Intro to Speech Comm. Class – Dr. Payton
Informative Speech Outline
A formal outline and the use of a physical visual aid(Object/Poster/etc) is required!
APA citations
Sample Outline will be on Blackboard.
Do not use outline while presenting speech; Use notecards if necessary.
The Informative Speech
Approaches to Presenting Information
Operational definition – Defines something by explaining what it does
Definition by negation – Defines something by explaining what it is not
Definition by example – Provides examples of the subject
Definition by synonym – Defines one term by comparing it to another
Definition by etymology – Illustrates the definition by explaining the root of the term
Etymology – origin of words, how words came to be.
Describing Information
Be as vivid as you can in your descriptions of people, places, events, processes, and objects.
Explaining Information
Demonstrating Information
Demonstrations generally focus on how to do something or how something works.
Speeches about People
Inform about historically significant individuals and groups, those who have made
Speeches about Processes
Guidelines for Effective Informative Speeches
Strive for Balance
Emphasize the Topic’s Relevance to Your Audience
Define Your Terms
Refine Your Message through Repetition
Relate Old Ideas to New Ideas
Tell your audience exactly what you want them to get out of the speech.
Use Visualization
Visualization is an effective way to ensure that audience members have a solid grasp of what you are talking about before moving on to the next point.
Visualization helps build interest.
Incorporate Presentation Aids
Informative messages that are visually and otherwise reinforced with objects, models, pictures, graphs, charts, video, audio, and multimedia are often more understandable and believable than those that are simply visualized.