Group member:
Karlo (powerpoint, classification and participation)
Carlene (compilation, Exposition of an abtract term)
Richard (summary exposition)
Arol (The essay)
Justine (comment and criticism)
Julian (Planning the exposition)
Sheila (Exposition of an abstract term)
Mark (Character sketch)
Jud (Comparison and contrast)
Robin (Exposition of a process)
Explaining something, making ideas clear, analyzing character or situation, definition, giving direction, and It appeals to understanding.
Expository plan must be built for completeness
Information must be valuable and complete. The point of the topic must be specific enough to explain the subject and it seeks to answer what, why, and how.
Expository plan must be built for progress
Writing must have unity, from old to new or from simple to complex or known to unknown or specific to general or general from to specific or less important to more important.
Expository plan must be built for Adaptation
In order to be clear, explanation must be clear for suitable audience.
The Exposition of an Abstract Term or concept
Anything that has no pictorial representation that we know are true; but exist only in our mind.
Abstract term begin with a definition. It consist of the term, Genus, and Differentiation.
Writing a good exposition of an abstract term must be:
1. Be sure you are explaining the subject not talking about it.
2. Use the simplest and most familiar diction possible, especially if your exposition is more formal sort.
3. Study various methods of exposition, select the best one suitable for you.
Elimination - explaining a thing by telling what is not.
Analysis – dividing the subject into its feature.
Comparison and Contrast – defining words which have a tendency to occur with or to be confused with certain companion words.
Illustration - the easiest and natural method of exposition. Giving example of illustration of object to be defined.