Driving Question: How does the media shape how we see others and ourselves? Assignment: As the documentary Miss Representation explains, “The media is now the message and the messenger.” Every day, we take in countless hours of media that influence how we view others and in turn how we view ourselves. It is our responsibility to consume media in an intelligent way AND fight back against negative messages put forth by the media.
Research Paper: You will choose a specific group in American society (gender, race, etc.). You will then explore how that group is represented in a variety of media (television, film, music, video games, etc.) and what affect that has on our society and on members of that group. Your research should include both primary sources (the media – shows, songs, films, etc.) AND secondary sources (criticism of media, news articles, studies on racial or gender groups, etc.)
* Possible Groups: Men, Women, Asian Americans, African Americans, Latino Americans * Requirements: * Three Pages, with at least THREE body paragraphs * Written in MLA format, with in-text citations and a Bibliography page * Includes analysis of at least THREE media sources * References at least TWO secondary sources that critique the media. * Use a variety of sentence structures, FREE from run-ons and fragments, spelling errors and MLA pagination.
* Honors: You will pick a person who is a member of the group that you are researching who counteracts the stereotypes generally presented about that group in the media. (For example, if I was writing a paper about women’s portrayal in the media, I could write about Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor – a woman in a powerful position.) Then, you will write TWO body paragraphs explaining the individual and how the individual is paving the way for others of that specific group in American society.