Lind, Rebecca Ann. “Considerations of Media Effects.” Race, Gender, Media: Considering Diversity across Audiences, Content, and Producers, Pearson Education Incorporation, …show more content…
Lind claims that television shows have the ability to affect all viewers and their perspectives on self-concepts, but she only includes surveys and interpretation taken from female viewers rather than including both genders. Lind only interviewed “63 girls to learn about their perceptions,” before concluding that television affects both genders. In order to support her conclusion and complete her studies, Lind should also interview males on their perceptions (Lind 25). In the section “Social Psychology of Stereotypes,” she introduces ethnic minorities as people that go through hardships. However, Lind shows bias by focusing three pages on African-Americans with a brief sentence on Latinos and no mentions of other races. Lind needs to balance the text and include more examples from different ethnic minorities to support her