September 2011 Version 7
1 © Pearson Education Ltd 2011. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior permission of Pearson Education Ltd 2011.
Important Test Tips
Use correct punctuation for writing tasks: full stops, capital letters, commas, etc Answer the question. If the question asks you to write or speak about sport, write or speak about ‘sport’ NOT ‘science’ Keep strictly within the word limit given for writing tasks Respond quickly and keep speaking during speaking tasks. The microphone will close after 3 seconds of silence and stop recording
Write ENTIRELY in capital letters. Only use capitals when needed: at the beginning of sentences, names, etc Click Next before you have completed the task and are ready to move on
Item Type
Test Overview Item Overview Test Introduction
1 2-4 5-6
Speaking and Writing Speaking Speaking Speaking Speaking Speaking Speaking Writing Writing Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading & Writing Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening & Writing & Writing & Reading & Reading & Writing & Reading & Listening & Listening & Listening
Part 1 Overview Personal introduction Read aloud Repeat sentence Describe image Re-tell lecture Answer short question Summarize written text Write essay Part 2 Overview Multiple-choice, choose single answer Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers Re-order paragraphs Fill in the blanks Fill in the blanks Optional Break Part 3 Overview Summarize spoken text Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers Fill in the blanks Highlight correct summary Multiple-choice, choose single answer Select missing word Highlight incorrect words Write from dictation
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PTE Academic: Glossary
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