The following is a list of potential topic for the essay that you will write about Of Mice and Men, beginning today, and continuing after mid-term exams. These are not the topics for the mid-term exam! Rather, you will begin thinking about these topics now, and organizing and outlining your essay as a way to review the process of writing a 5 paragraph essay.
1. Dreams: What is the importance of dreams in Of Mice and Men? What role do they play in people’s lives? How do people use dreams, and how to various characters’ dreams affect them?
2. Discrimination: Look at the various examples of discrimination in Of Mice and Men. How does discrimination affect different characters? How do characters respond to discrimination, and how does it affect their lives, and the outcome of the story?
3. Friendship. How does Steinbeck portray friendship in Of Mice and Men? How does its presence or absence affect different characters, in their actions and in their relationships? What does it require of people, and what does it offer them in return?
4. Loneliness. Many of the characters in Of Mice and Men seem lonely. Why are various characters lonely, and how does it affect them?
5. Power. Think about different characters in Of Mice and Men, and the power that they have. What different kinds of power do different characters have? Where does it come from? What do they do with it? How does it help them, or hurt them?
6. Foreshadowing. Consider the many examples of foreshadowing in Of Mice and Men. What important actions and plot points are forewhadowed? How do these important events differ from the events that foreshadow them? How does foreshadowing help us understand the important turning points in the