DEMOGRAPHICS SHEET Name: Alex Carmichael Teacher: Kathy Jacobs School: Blanche Fuqua Elementary Directions: Place “X” by all descriptors that apply to your school. Community: _____Rural _____Suburban ___X__ Urban _____Other _____Mostly affluent _____Mostly upper middle-class families __X___ Mostly poverty level _____Mostly lower middle-class families _____Mixture (describe)___________________________________________ School (round percents to nearest tenth) Total number of students__347_ ISTEP % Pass Rate for E/LA 3rd Grade__82.8% _76.1_% Free & Reduced Lunch Title I: __X_ yes _____ no Ethnicity: _9.3_% Black _1.4_% Asian/Pacific Islander __74.9___% White _1.7__% Hispanic _12.7_% Multiracial _0_% Other Elementary Classroom Profile with Identified Student: Grade__3rd__ Total number of students_19_ Number of adults in room (aids, TOTAL intern, etc.) _2_ _52.6_% male _47.4_% female _5.3_% special education _10.5_% English language learners __X__ Heterogeneous _____Homogeneous (__gifted/talented ___average __general) Description: __X__ Self-contained (most or all subjects taught) _____Interdisciplinary team _____Departmentalized In 25 words or less provide descriptive information that “Paints a Picture” of your classroom, especially in reference to writing instruction: Mrs. Jacobs’s classroom has posters that describe the writing process and the six traits of writing. The room is inviting and a positive learning environment.
Summary of RtI Student Needs in Creative Writing RtI Student’s First Name: Andrece Grade Level: 3rd When looking at the data