
Ww2 Advantages And Disadvantages

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Ww2 Advantages And Disadvantages
Continued to use Conventional Bombing on Japan.
Advantages – Japan had lost WWII in 1945.
1. Japan had to choose between surrendering and fighting and they chose to fight.
2. The United States knew that Japan was not going to win the war.
Disadvantages – Truman made an atomic bomb to kill in large amounts.
1. Truman invaded Japan and dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city.
2. The firing bomb attack killed more than 80,000 people in Tokyo.
Option #2 – Japans ground invasion.
Advantages – The Japanese did not surrender that easy.
1. If the United States invaded Japan homeland they would have fought even more aggressively.
2. Truman was terrified that the Japan invasion would look like Okinawa.
Disadvantages – Truman and his military expected

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