Japan had considered surrendering before the two atomic bombs were dropped. According to "United States history: Reconstruction to the Present,’’ the following 3 days after Little Boy was dropped in Hiroshima, Japanese leaders debated on whether or not they should have kept fighting. " The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender (Leahy).’’ On top of that, Ralph A. Bard, Undersecretary of the Navy, claimed that the Japanese government was looking for a reason to surrender. The Soviet Union declared …show more content…
The U.S military's alternative plan would have ended up with more than 5 million Japanese casualties (Stimson). "We had adopted an ethical standard common to the barbarian dark ages (Leahy).'' The Admiral goes on to explain that a war can't be won by killing women and children. This shows that the U.S forgot that they were fighting the Japanese government and not the civilians. "We seemed suddenly to have possession of a merciful abridgment of the slaughter in the East and of a far happier prospect in Europe (Churchill).'' Winston Churchill was explaining how America had stooped to massive slaughter when it comes to dealing with the Eastern countries. As a "Humanitarian Nation," the United States should have given Japan two to three days before dropping the atomic bombs (Bard). The dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was basically premeditated mass murder. The atomic bombings were unjustified and dropped in a heinous