XiniX was one very large planet with many sharp mountains and steep ravines; the weather there was very turbulent and nothing lived there but some very small bugs and one single, solitary plant. Orcyn was the only plant on the planet. It was forbidden to touch, bother or even smell Orcyn and all the small bugs knew that they must never, ever eat the sacred plant. XiniX stayed unchanged for thousands of years. A huge storm raged over the planet as it always did. Storms occurred all the time over Xinix; the atmosphere was constantly in turmoil producing tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis and sometimes even firestorms that lit up the entire sky. Suddenly, without warning and …show more content…
from out of the sky, three brilliant, magnificent, enormous lightning bolts converged in the black sky and struck the same tiny spot on the surface of XiniX. The spectacular lightning hit a little tauger, one of the bugs that lived on XiniX. Then, all of a sudden, the storm calmed and dissipated. The tauger’s friends gathered around and found him to still be breathing; they tried vigorously for many hours to save their friend. The little tauger got worse and worse and was on the verge of death they his friends came to the consensus that they must put the little tauger out of his misery. They decided they must feed him a piece of Ocryn. They fed him the piece of Ocryn, said their goodbyes and traveled back home. As dawn broke the next day sunlight dashed across the tauger’s lifeless body. Something happened at that moment, that still to this day can not be explained. The tauger’s body began to start showing neon yellows, greens, and blues that resembled the lightning that had mortally wounded him the day before. Then the blues and greens and reds and purples pulsated from within his body and his body began to convulse. He shook very slowly then faster and faster until finally the little tauger was bouncing off the ground.
The Tauger stopped moving for a split second, and his eyes flashed open. He jumped up in a bright flash of color and blurred movement. He grew to ten times his size, about three feet tall. Suddenly, thoughts poured into his mind; he know knew everything. Somehow he knew his name was Greg, and that the ground he had been on was XiniX. Greg sat in confusion for a couple of minutes and then decided to go home.
He was halfway home when he realized his friends would run away in fright of him now that he looked different then all of them.
Greg sat down on a rock and thought for a long time. He finally decided to move to the other side of the planet. He started his journey immediately, on his way he thought a lot; Greg decided to to take a nap. He layed down and experienced something amazing; a dream, he dreamed of this majestic creature that would carry him on its back for far distances. When he awoke the creature he had dreamed of was standing next to him.
So he got on just as he had in the dream, and they rode until nightfall. He slept and dreamt of many amazing creatures and plants; this is how all things we know now came into the world. He realized what was happening and tried to go to sleep thinking of things to create; this backfired, he would have nightmares of horrific storms, evil things done by the people he had created, and terrible catastrophes.
This is how the world came about; Greg would have sweet wonderful dreams and create the good things we have to this day. He would get greedy and try to create spectacular beings and events, but would have nightmares instead this is why we have terrible things that happen to this