Appendix B
Ethical Theories Chart
Complete the chart below using information from the weekly readings and additional research if necessary. Include APA formatted in-text citations when applicable and list all references at the bottom of the page.
|Ethical Theory | | | |
| | | | |
| |Utilitarianism |Deontological |Virtue ethics |
| |
|Definition |Utilitarianism (2011), according |Deontology is “the theory or study of |“Virtue ethics describes the character of a |
| |to Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia |moral obligation” (“Deontological Ethics,”|moral agent as a driving force for ethical |
| |Online, “is a doctrine that the |2011). |behavior, rather than rules or |
| |useful is the good and that the | |consequentialism, which derives rightness or|
| |determining consideration of right| |wrongness from the outcome of the act itself|
| |conduct should be the usefulness | |rather than character” (“Virtue Ethics,” |
| |of its consequences; specifically:| |2011)