Your aim is to show that you can: * Analyse and understand the topic * Know the plot and characters * Know the themes, message and key issues * Understand the topic in relation to the text, characters and key themes * Draw upon appropriate evidence from the text and use quotations to support your argument.
Throughout your essay you should show that you can: * Write a sustained interpretation * Develop a point of view * Support that view through close textual references and analysis (quotes and examples)
Your essay should show that you have developed a clear understanding of: * ‘Tag’ words that frame the topic: Discuss. Do you agree? How? Why? Do…? Does…? * Planning and structuring an essay * How to incorporate quotations into your essay; how to modify quotations * Writing strong introductions that engage with the topic * Using topic sentences that relate to the topic * Explaining and justifying each argument * Using specific evidence and explaining (qualifying) the evidence * Linking evidence to the topic and to the next paragraph * Reading strong and firm conclusions * Developing vocabulary (metalanguage) with which to discuss the text * Planning by composing main arguments relevant to the topic that will serve as the topic sentences for each paragraph of the essay. PLANNING THE ESSAY
Stage 1: Analyse the topic or question * Define key words and phrases
Read the question carefully and underline key words, phrases and concepts; these are the issues in the topic/question that you will need to address. Briefly list the significance of these key words/concepts, showing their relevance to the text. * Topic Focus
In your own words, rewrite the topic to show how well you have interpreted it. This will help you with your main arguments. * Key Questions
From your topic/question analysis, list key questions you need to address and