Yakult Social & Environmental Report
About This Report
Editorial Policy
Designed to help readers learn about Yakult Honsha’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance, this report presents information centered on the environmental activity performance and social contribution activities of Yakult Honsha and the other Yakult Group companies during fiscal 2011. In fiscal 2010, an English-language version of this report was published, and the Company has been issuing Japanese-language editions each year for over a decade. Initially, these reports focused on the Company’s business sites in Japan. Beginning from Yakult Social & Environmental Report 2010, the scope of the report was expanded to encompass all of the Yakult Group’s social and environmental activities, including those associated with business sites both in Japan and overseas. Aiming to encourage as many people as possible to read this report and gain a familiarity with the CSR activities of Yakult Honsha and the other Group companies, the editors have done their utmost to make the report easy to read and understand. The printed version includes contents that have been made as concise as possible, while additional quantitative data and other supplemental information can be obtained by visiting the Company’s website to obtain an e-book or PDF version of the report.
01 Overview of Yakult’s Operations 02 To Our Stakeholders 04 Corporate Philosophy 05 Management of the Yakult Group Special Feature 07 Basic Policy on CSR 08 The “Yakult Sustainable Ecology 2020”
Long-Term Environmental Vision
10 Leveraging Special Characteristics of Yakult’s Business Operations
14 Yakult’s Roots: Shirota-ism 16 Providing Products that Offer Safety and
Peace of Mind
Environmental Activities 18 Environmental Impact of Business Activities 20 Environmental Action Plan 21 Environmental Accounting—Costs and Benefits of Environmental