Regarded as sympathetic and callous at the same time, as if the two words are not contradictory, but oxymoron not when carefully applied to circumstances where it fits. It is through right judgment that sympathy and callousness reconcile.
Believes in Christian faith, God loving and passionately active in church activities, having been raised from conventional Christian family. Embracing the word of God wholeheartedly, yet giving high value to scientific learning and to knowledge in its entirety. Thus, claiming that there can be no knowledge without God, and similarly, the perception of God is obscured in the absence of knowledge.
A profound admirer of beauty but shuns appearance, fashion or glamour out of my lexicon. Beauty is beauty when it upholds loveliness and substance as the only valid premises. That life is beautiful when lived in truth, a truth derived neither from laws nor by universal conviction, but from the truth itself: The truth that life exists, that I exist.
To my family, whose lives and exceptional love have given true meaning to mine, and whose emotional wisdom have expanded the depth of who I am. Words are not enough to express my sincerest thank you.
To my friends, mentors and to all who in their own generous way, have helped me paved my chosen path, I give you my highest regard.
Foremost, to Yeshua, the Great Educator, the source of endless wisdom, knowledge and discernment, to Him I give the highest praise.
And to you my fellow graduates, savour this day, this is our time. Let’s all sing! – for not far from here, plays the music of our future!
“All great achievements come from working and waiting.” –Og