Not allowing wolf hunting in areas where wolf’s populations have increased could become harmful for livestock. The gray wolf could be forced to prey on livestock as they adapt their diet because the wolf has eaten all their natural prey. “ Gray wolf populations fluctuate with food availability, strife within packs, and disease” ( USFW 1) “This is especially true in Yellowstone where there is a large animal population to feed on, also by monitoring and limiting the …show more content…
The recovery plan was put into effect to make sure all the steps are being taken, before taking the gray wolf off the endangered species list. “With this consistent expansion in numbers and range, the gray wolf population is healthy and recovered in the western Great Lakes region” (USFW 1). The decision to remove an animal from the endangerment list is when the species has reached a certain percentage of the population. When the species are taken off, then the government funding can be used to help other animals in greater danger.