Surya(Sun) Namaskar(Salutaion) (Soorya-namask-r)
Sun salutation is a graceful sequence that is performed as one continuous exercise. Each position counteracts the one before it stretching the body in a different way alternatively expanding and contracting the chest to regulate the breathing naturally. Practiced daily it will bring great Flexibility to your spine and joints .Usually preformed at the begging of a yoga routine. First slowly Stretching the tendons and ligaments to limber up the whole body gradually decreasing the holding time and increasing the speed. This prepares the body for the asanas. Traditional preformed facing East (sunrise)
Surya Namaskar asana and fill in the blank (in English and Sanskrit)
Prana(vital-energy) yama (self control) (praa-naa-yaa-ma)
Types of Yogic breath awareness and regulation exercise designed to help control and distribute ones vital energy within our bodies, equivalent to a 9 volt battery. This is the silent science behind move net and thought. Breath is life. Each person on