Rex is a man with many flaws, he has problems such as being an alcoholic, gambling a lot, and not constantly having a job, however whatever it is that he’s doing is he’s doing it to help the ones he loves. When Mrs. Walls says life with your father is an adventure it’s because you never know what to expect one day you’re out west then next your riding in the back of a u-haul truck. When Rex and Rosemary were fighting it reads, on page 122, “The fighting disappeared from both of then dad started laughing and hugging mom, who was laughing and hugging him.” This showed that when it seems they might hate each other deep down they know they have to stay together for the sake of the family
4. Rose Mary although it seems that she was around more than Rex, she would always want to do everything for herself. For example, when Brain and Jannette find the ring rosemary keeps it for herself by saying in a conversation with Jeannette on page 186, “But Mom” I said, “that ring could get us a lot of food.” “That’s true” Mom said, “but it could also improve my self-esteem. And at times like these, self-esteem is even more vital than food. Reader can see that Rose Mary would rather have the nice things for herself then to buy necessities for the family and not putting her need in front of her