Business has become one of the most important aspects of our life and from my perspective it has more influence on our world than any other disciplines. Business is what I want to do study to degree level because I am naturally passionate about it. For some people working in business is just a substance of money, for me it is a matter of passion, desire and drive to succeed. The way business is controlled and organized motivates me to learn more and more about it.
My BCU course and wider reading have helped me to understand business in more depth and have given me the best possible background to tackle various problems. This course have helped me to accomplish various business disciplines, motivation theories, the concept and development of business, marketing and accounting .I have been inspired by various reasons to study business to a higher level, including my father who is a successful businessman. I believe this has given me an honest insight into the world of business. The areas of business that interest me the most are operations of business, management resources and accounting. I have read many books about business. One of the most influential books that have influenced on my understanding of business concepts are Guide to College Resource and Financial Management” by Bob Lawrence, “How to sell yourself “and “How to close every sale” by Joe Girard. One of his main concepts is that successful business is not simply about making money, but also about job satisfaction, which is something I while-heartily agree with.
Business management in the academic world and the implementation of business in practice are different aspects of contextual understanding. I have accomplished this theoretical understudying from the position that I have now.
I am looking forward to studying business further to develop my knowledge and understanding of financial aspects of the business, business management and financial accounting. My ICT skills are