The Gul Ahmed Group is a Pakistani company that includes Gul Ahmed Textile Mills, Gul Ahmed Energy and Habib Metropolitan Bank. More recently, a chain of retail outlets has been founded under the name "Ideas by Gul Ahmed". The group's other concerns go by the name of Swisstex Chemicals (Private) Limited, which is a large chemical distribution company that has the sole rights for supplying Ciba Specialty Chemicals in Pakistan. The group has invested in outsourcing information technology with Arwen Technologies.
The Gul Ahmed Group began trading in textiles in the early 20th century. In 1953, the group decided to enter the field of manufacturing under the name Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited, and was incorporated as a privately limited company. In 1972, it was listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange. Since then, the company has made rapid progress and is currently one of the leading composite textile houses in the world
The mill is presently a composite unit with an installed capacity of 130,000 spindles, 250 wide width air jet looms, 90 Sulzers, 297 conventional looms, and a state-of-the-art processing and finishing unit.
Gul Ahmed is playing a vital role not only as a textile giant, but has its strong presence in the retail business as well. The opening of its flagship store – Ideas by Gul Ahmed– marked the group's entry into the retail business. Starting from Karachi, Gul Ahmed now has an extensive chain of more than 40 retail stores across the country, offering a diverse range of products from home accessories to fashion clothing.
More than 50 years since its inception, the name Gul Ahmed is still globally synonymous with quality, innovation & reliability.
Karachi Stock Exchange Share Prices 2011-12
Price in Rupees
Period High Low
1st Quarter 51.94