The Zika Virus started in Brazil in 2015 and spreads vastly. This virus spreads very early and can be easily affecting humans if bitten by a mosquito or by having sexual contact. The Zika virus has very proactive symptoms. One of the most common symptoms are tiny deformed baby heads . If you're pregnant and have the Zika Virus your baby's head will come out smaller …show more content…
Why hold the olympics in the one place you are sure to get bit ? If an olympian were to get bit they could possibly have joint pains which could cause them to tense up during the olympics . Also , say you're a swimmer and you have a fever . When you're swimming the water is cold so when you get out your body is even colder . It could easily just make your fever WORST. Study shows that a rare nervous disease , Guillain-Barre syndrome is linked to the Zika virus . With the olympics being such an important event they shouldn't be competing when a disease like this is at HIGH risk. Although the Zika virus is very rare and the U.S has less than 1,000 cases of it every year, Zika is not something to play with and lately the Zika virus has been spreading rapidly . Four Olympic competitors have dropped out the olympics because of zika virus fears. Zika has spread tremendously within the last year .Olympic gold mentalist Michael Phelps didn't want to go to the Olympics with his wife and newborn son because of the fact he didn't want anything to happen to him or his family . Competing with such a disease is dangerous and disgusting. Especially for an