Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE), investigating the effects of roles in a simulated prison environment, significantly impacted the psychological understanding of role conformity. However, recent evidence suggests results from this seminal experiment are less reflecting of role conformity, with findings alternatively attributed to demand characteristics. This critique is constructed as further examination of SPE revealed participants were able to predetermine the experimental hypothesis and guards given clear behavioural direction. The influential nature of voluntary recruitment is a further criticism discussed, with this potentially providing the SPE with a personality bias sample, despite random role allocation. This paper concludes with a discussion of research questions, which work to address these critiques. …show more content…
The sampling method employed was voluntary, however, many people would have been repulsed at the creation of a simulated prison. Thus, individuals volunteering may have had a distinct personality type, potentially presenting a sampling bias. Carnahan and McFarland (2007) tested this hypothesis using two original SPE advertisement, with the second eliminating the phrase “prison life”. Those responding to the original advertisement scored significantly higher in levels of Machiavellianism, aggressiveness, narcissism and authoritarianism, and lower on scores of empathy than individuals responding to the edited advertisement. This suggests SPE volunteers may have had more aggressive personalities, with this potentially influencing their responses to situational demands presented in SPE. Carnahan and McFarland (2007) also suggest participants being in an environment where others share similar personality traits would amplify existing aggressive tendencies; further indicating personality may have had a significant role in SPE