1) The collective name given to six areas of skills, knowledge and expertise believed by the English government to be essential for all those working with children is the common core.
2) The six areas of the common core are: -
• Effective communication
• Child and young person development
• Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child
• Supporting transitions
• Multi-agency working
• Sharing information
3) The four themes around which the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is based are: -
• Unique child • Positive relationships • Enabling environments • Learning and development
4) The supporting Principles for the 4 themes are: -
Unique Child
• Child development • Inclusive practice • Keeping safe • Health and well-being
Positive Relationships
• Respecting each other • Parents as Partners • Supporting learning • Key person
Enabling Environments
• Observation, assessment and planning • Supporting every child • The learning environment • The wider context
Learning and Development
• Play and exploration • Active learning • Creativity and critical thinking • Areas of learning and development
5) The 5 outcomes of the Every Child Matters framework are: -
• Be healthy
• Stay safe
• Enjoy and achieve
• Make a positive contribution
• Achieve economic well-being
6) The commitments that that supports the outcome making a positive contribution are unique child, positive relationships and enabling environments.
7) The welfare requirements of the EYFS are varied between the home nations so it is essential you obtain the correct welfare requirements. In England the requirements are all standardised and all settings are obligated to conform with the welfare